Before you read the piece below, a few important details: I'm non-binary and use they/them pronouns. If you didn't know that, now you do! If you're not sure what that means, or have a question, shoot me a message. We're all learning, me included, no well-intentioned question is wrong to ask! The below is not a jab at people who get it wrong, far from it. I'd like to thank and celebrate people who try despite not being perfect at it. This is intended to be an explanation of how it feels (for me), and will hopefully help people understand why I'm so bothered. Cloggy, a place to empty the bag I’m not very good at telling people when they get it wrong. I might drop a little hint, occasionally make a polite correction, or usually just leave it. Those who do realise they’ve tripped up fall into two categories: some just correct themselves, moving on with the conversation; and others apologise, or ask for clarification. The response I give to the latter camp often invo...